You can find me on X, Linkedin, or Github

Engineer working on Financial Technology. Strong experience in Fintech, now fully exploring DeFi.

Financial Technology projects

  • Fintech Ruminations: my blog about fintech and defi, featured on Forbes
  • Fintech Guild: I founded a community of 200+ product and strategy people working in fintech and defi
  • Funding Circle: P2P marketplace for SME, IPO in 2018
    • Loan servicer: highly scalable service for repayments allocation and loan state aggregation
    • GPO: fully automated origination platform for SMB lending
  • N26: biggest neobank in EU
    • Core Banking and Reconciliation task force
    • N26 balance sheet optimization: service to optimize the bank balance sheet exposure
  • SumUp Bank: business account for SME
    • SumUp Split Payments: split a purchase into instalments
    • Instant Payout: get paid and receive your money in less than 1 hour
  • Backed Finance: tokenisation platform that brings bonds and stocks onchain

Interesting side projects